DIY vs. Hiring A Contractor

When to Hire a Contractor and When to Do It Yourself (DIY)?

It costs an average of $9,000 to remodel a bathroom, $15,000 for a basement, and $20,000 for a kitchen. 

It is often possible to save money on these expenses by doing house repairs or remodeling on your own.

Even though it is possible to do it yourself, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should. It is best to leave jobs like plumbing, electrical work, and tiles setting to professionals. 

However, if you are confused between “DIY vs. Contractor,†we are here to help. Let us go through the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision. 

Doing-it-Yourself (DIY)


  • You can save a lot of money since you don’t have to worry about the labor cost. 
  • The project can move ahead more quickly with your control of the timeline.
  • Doing it yourself gives you the chance to use your creative muscles and problem-solving skills throughout the project.
  • The feeling of accomplishment and pride is something that makes you happy.


  • A DIY project can end up being more pricy than hiring a professional if it requires tools or building supplies that you don’t already have.
  • If you don’t have the necessary expertise, it may create a mess and lead to extra costs. 
  • Having to do additional work on top of an already full day can be exhausting.


When to DIY?

You can tackle several home improvement projects yourself without needing to hire a contractor. But make sure that you have enough skills to do the job.

Below are a few examples:

Painting the house interior

Painting the house interior yourself can save time, money, and effort. It just takes a stepladder, a steady hand, and some patience. It may cost you around $200 to $600 to paint a 1500 square foot home. However, a professional may charge anywhere between $970 and $2,400 for the same task. However, ask yourself: do I have the experience to do this? What type of result am I looking to achieve? For professional painters, go to

Installing laminate flooring

It makes an excellent DIY project. You can save $200-$500 if you are handy with a saw and have the time to complete the floors one at a time. 

Installing a backsplash

Installation of a kitchen backsplash requires minimal time and effort. You can complete the task in 2-3 days. The extra time spent on the project is worth it rather than hiring a contractor for an extra $300-800. 

Hiring a Professional Contractor 


  • A professional is usually able to finish the work more rapidly and efficiently.
  • A professional is more experienced and can help you get through the challenges that may arise during large-scale renovations.
  • Usually, they can get better prices on the materials than lumberyards, hardware stores, etc.
  • Pros typically have the expertise, training, tools, and equipment to do the job perfectly.
  • They assure to take care of all permits, requirements, and legalities for the project.
  • Hire a qualified general contractor using


  • Hiring a professional can be very expensive. Contractors typically charge an hourly rate of $77 and up.
  • You will have to work according to their scheduling and timelines.
  • Despite hiring a pro, you have to oversee all work to ensure that everything is done correctly.

So, DIY or hire a professional?

It is not just a question of dollars and cents when deciding whether to DIY or hire a contractor. It’s important to balance money with other factors like ease of use, safety, professional-quality work, and efficiency. 

Despite the higher cost, most homeowners prefer going with a professional to ensure the quality and reliability of the project.  Not to mention the timeliness of the job.

When to Leave it to the professional?

Plumbing and electrical work

Plumbing and electrical jobs may seem easy to homeowners, but they are not since you need the right tools and skills to do the job. You’ll want a licensed professional for these trades.

Flooring, staircase, & countertop installation

It is generally quite difficult to install new flooring, staircase, or countertop. Knowledge is paramount, as a professional may have experienced your project’s scenario countless times.

Hire a reliable contractor.

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